What is included in our Premium Package?

💎FUE Sapphire – DHI Hair Transplantation





💎Sapphire Pen

🌟Medical Kit / Hair Kit (1 Month)

🎁3 Months After Care Package

🌟Hair Transplant Certificate

📩7/24 Medical Doctor Online Consultation

🌟VIP Transfer (Airport, Hotel and Clinic)

🌟5 Stars Hotel (2 Night Accommodation)


What is FUE?

-FUE (follicular unit extraction, or sometimes referred to as follicular unit transplantation) is a type of hair transplant surgery that involves extracting individual hair follicles from a donor part of the body, usually the sides and back of the head.

-These individual follicles are then implanted in the areas that are affected. Typically, with the men suffering from male pattern baldness this will be the classic horseshoe area.

 How does it work?

-During the process, individual follicles – typically between 1 and 4 hairs – are removed under local anaesthesia. The extraction procedure utilises a micro surgical extraction instrument, between 0.6mm and 1.0mm in diameter, to remove the follicles.

-The surgeon, using specialist micro surgical needles, then punctures the scalp area that is to receive the grafts. Our surgeons are experts at blending the hair in, inserting the grafts at an angle and density that matches the original hair, so it will resemble a natural and realistic hair pattern.

How long does it take?

-An  FUE hair transplant can be undergone in either one long session or several smaller sessions. It tends to be more time consuming than strip surgery but does not leave the obvious and typical scars that strip surgery does.

-The length of time for an FUE procedure can vary, but it usually depends on how many grafts are needed. A smaller procedure, where only around 200 grafts are needed, can be completed in a couple of hours. However, a larger procedure of around 2,500 to 4.000 grafts will require a session that stretches over two days.

How long does it take to recover?

-Unlike strip surgery, FUE hair transplantation does not require large areas of the scalp to be harvested. There is also no linear incision on the back of the head, nor does it leave a linear scar.

-As individual follicles are removed, it only leaves small, puncture scars, which are practically invisible to the naked eye. There is hardly any post-surgical pain and discomfort – with the average recovery time being less than 7 days.

How long do results last?

-Once you have undergone FUE, the results are permanent. While the initial transplanted hair will shed a few weeks after treatment, it will grow back strong and healthy.

Is FUE right for me?

-It can be hard to know if an FUE hair transplant is right for you, or even if you are a good candidate for FUE hair transplantation. One of the things that you need is healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head, to serve as a donor area for follicles to be harvested from. Other factors, such as hair colour, texture and waviness or curliness, may also affect the cosmetic result.

-The quickest way to find out if FUE is right for you is to book a consultation at our hair transplant clinic in London. We can help you with any questions and determine whether or not you would be a good candidate for FUE. During your consultation we’ll also be able to tell you the specifics of your surgery such as the amount of grafts you’ll need, how long the surgery will take and the cost of your treatment.

Does FUE hurt?

-FUE is a minimally invasive hair surgery procedure that is administered under local anaesthetic, pain is minimised, and most patients do not feel anything at all. You will be conscious for the entire time that the hair transplant procedure is administered.

-There will be some mild discomfort during the recovery process, but this only lasts around seven days. The risk of complications because of FUE is also extremely low.

-The hair transplantation technique has advanced so much over the last 10 years and it’s important to remember that FUE is minimally invasive in comparison to older techniques such as FUT, FUE is considered to be almost pain free in comparison to older techniques.

FUE vs DHI: The Basics 

Let’s talk about how FUE and DHI are a little bit different.

FUE stands for follicular unit extraction — which basically describes how the procedure works — during a FUE hair restoration procedure each hair follicle is extracted from the donor area and surgically moved individually by hand, one by one to the treatment area, where they are surgically implanted by hand into the scalp.

DHI stands for direct hair implantation — the restoration process of DHI is basically a modification of the FUE hair transplant method. What is different with DHI hair surgery is the use of a specialized medical device shaped like a pen (i.e., Choi pen or implant pen) during the hair transplant. The pen-like medical device is used to harvest hair grafts or hair follicles from the donor area on the scalp, and then implant the grafts one by one into the treatment area.

The key difference between DHI Choi vs FUE is the method in which the hair follicle is extracted and implanted during a hair transplant surgery


Sapphire FUE vs DHI: Which Is More Common?


-The FUE method of hair restoration came before the DHI method, which is still relatively new by comparison. There are arguments that DHI is better than FUE, but there has not been extensive clinical research to support DHI being superior to FUE. Both FUE and DHI are considered very advanced and effective methods of hair extraction and hair implantation. And both DHI and FUE have a high success rate

-Before the follicular unit extraction (FUE) method, hair transplant surgeons tended to use the hair strip restoration technique (i.e., follicular unit transplantation or FUT). The FUT method is not as common these days, as it is not considered as advanced as the FUE and DHI methods of hair transplantation. The hair strip restoration technique, which is not as common anymore, has fallen out of popularity because FUT can leave linear scarring on the scalp.

-With modern hair restoration technology, DHI and FUE are the most popular and commonly used hair restoration methods for hair loss.

-With the Sapphire FUE hair transplant surgical blade, individual hair follicles (e.g., FUE hair grafts) can be placed more naturally and with greater precision. A big advantage with the FUE method is it leaves minimal scarring unlike the hair strip restoration technique. Sapphire FUE is an ideal hair loss method for people with limited donor hair, as the follicles or hair grafts can be taken from other areas of the scalp or body.

-If you would like to discuss having a Sapphire follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant in Turkey at our Istanbul hair loss medical clinic, then send us a message through our website to book an CureMedistTurkey FUE consultation.


‍DHI Method vs FUE: What’s the Difference? 

As mentioned above, there is not a huge difference between the FUE method and the DHI hair transplant method. The main difference is how hair grafts are implanted into the treatment area of the scalp.

With the manual FUE method a small incision is made into the scalp before implanting hair follicles. With the DHI method a Choi implant pen can extract and implant at the same time.

Two other noteworthy differences are during a DHI hair transplant the whole head may not need to be shaved, unlike with FUE. And that the DHI method can sometimes take longer than FUE hair transplant surgery.

Both FUE and DHI are proven and effective hair transplant methods with a high success rate.

These are the most commonly cited advantages to using the hair transplant DHI method:

  • Better suited to younger people with less severe hair loss
  • Better hair density regrowth
  • Ideal for smaller areas of hair loss
  • Faster healing and recovery
  • Fewer side effects
  • Less traumatic
  • Less invasive

However, due to the specialized tools and equipment used during DHI hair restoration surgery, it can tend to be a little more expensive than FUE. In addition, the amount of hair grafts transplanted using the DHI method might be limited.

That said, most hair loss clinics charge based on the number of hair grafts that are transplanted. In general, the cost of DHI and FUE hair transplants can vary depending on several factors.

If you have questions about CureMedist FUE and DHI hair transplant treatment pricing, then send us a message through our website. We will be happy to discuss your hair restoration expectations and questions around pricing

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    Hair Transplant FAQ