In modern medicine, alongside curative health services, preventive healthcare services and early diagnosis and monitoring programs are increasingly gaining importance. Early diagnosis is particularly crucial for certain diseases, especially cancer. Therefore, early detection of such diseases through check-up examinations also enhances the success of treatment.

Conditions such as coronary artery disease, cancer, hypertension, and many other diseases of our era emphasize the immense importance of early and accurate diagnosis for both life expectancy and quality of life. Another purpose of undergoing check-ups is to identify potential risks associated with age, gender, smoking habits, and especially hormonal periods in women (like fertility and menopause), as well as familial predispositions to diseases such as diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, stroke, and cancer.

There are 16 reasons to undergo a check-up:

  • Is our heart functioning properly? Are there any leaks in our heart valves? Are our heart vessels clear? What is our risk of heart attack?
  • Are there any stones, sand, or infections in the urinary tract or bladder?
  • Are our kidneys functioning properly?
  • Is our liver, the factory of our body, functioning well? Is there any fatty infiltration in the liver?
  • Is our spleen, which produces blood and regulates our immunity, normal?
  • Is our pancreas, which produces insulin, glucagon, and other hormones essential for maintaining our body’s sugar balance, normal?
  • Do we have diabetes? What is our risk of diabetes?
  • Do we have insulin resistance, a major cause of obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and fatty liver?
  • Do we have hypertension or hypotension?
  • Do we have high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, crucial for heart and vascular health?
  • Are our thyroid hormones, which regulate our body’s metabolism rate, at normal levels? Do we have goiter?
  • Are our adrenal glands, which regulate our body’s hormone balance, normal?
  • Are our minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which play a key role in many bodily functions and are deficient in many diseases, normal?
  • Are our sodium and chloride levels, which regulate our body’s fluid balance and can lead to hypertension if excessive, normal?

Tests conducted during check-ups include:

  • Pediatric examination
  • Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) examination
  • Ophthalmology examination
  • Laboratory tests:
    • Complete blood count (CBC): Checks for anemia, blood diseases, and blood cell counts
    • Fasting blood glucose: Screens for diabetes mellitus
    • Iron, iron binding capacity, ferritin: Diagnosis of blood and iron metabolism disorders
    • Vitamin B12: Diagnosis of anemia and certain nervous system disorders
    • ALT and AST: Diagnosis and monitoring of liver function
    • FT4 and TSH: Diagnosis and monitoring of thyroid diseases
    • Creatinine: Kidney function test
    • Total cholesterol and triglycerides: Measures of body fat percentages and blood fat levels
    • Anti-HBs: Detection of immunity against hepatitis-B
    • Urinalysis: Diagnosis of kidney, urinary tract, and bladder diseases
    • Fecal occult blood: Diagnosis and monitoring of bleeding disorders originating from the stomach and intestines
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